Coverage Area and Hours

Unlike our other complimentary services (Night Ride/Trade Shuttle), the paratransit Service shall not constrain itself to the common boundaries set forth along the perimeter of the established campus grounds, but shall (as mandated by ADA/FTA) extend its service footprint ¾ of a mile beyond the furthest reach of our fixed route service, including direct service to the UIC Law Plymouth Court entrance.

Hours of Operation

The hours of operation for our paratransit Service extend beyond that which is mandated by law. As we offer 24/7 transportation services to our staff and students, the UIC Paratransit service shall also operate overnight, on weekends, and on holidays for scheduled passengers and will accept “on demand” or emergency requests via our call center (weekend) or Night Ride service (overnight). It is important to note that “on demand” service requested during these circumstances will not be bound by the interval window used for scheduled service. Schedules submitted on Saturday for Sunday para-transit service will be directly accommodated, and not considered “on demand”. Office hours are Mon-Fri 4 a.m. - 11 p.m. Fixed route (bus) hours are from 7 a.m. - 11 p.m.